Google Deepmind reached out for new collaborators to help create 10-15 second motion pieces on various topics about AI.
This time they were focused on more grounded visual stories, exploring the roles of humans (rather than more abstract representations).
The main theme was around ‘Generative Ai’, and given full creative freedom on how to illustrate this as diversity of representation surrounding AI is crucial to them.
This time they were focused on more grounded visual stories, exploring the roles of humans (rather than more abstract representations).
The main theme was around ‘Generative Ai’, and given full creative freedom on how to illustrate this as diversity of representation surrounding AI is crucial to them.
Google Deepmind Team: Gabriella Pearl, Ross West, Emma Yousif, Katie McAtackney
Animation & Direction: Winston Duke
Music: Ryan Campos
Animation & Direction: Winston Duke
Music: Ryan Campos

The aim was to create a visual narrative depicting generative AI from user input to output, distilling a rather complex subject into a digestible form. With a simple play on words the idea became ‘What if we replaced a sunflower’s bloom with an actual sun?’.

From the beginning selection of keywords, pictures or phrases, moving to a wink at the inner technical workings of how generative ai links information together and finally the resulting media generated, the hope with this piece is to show that implausible ideas can come to life.